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Top HR Challenges in 2024. (So Far.)

Top HR Challenges in 2024. (So Far)

The summer is an excellent time for reflection. – We are halfway through the year, and for the team at BLANKSLATE, the summer often gives us time to look up and breathe as our clients take vacation. So, what have been the top HR Challenges so far this year?

As we move through 2024, we have taken stock of the themes we’ve been discussing with our clients. 2024 is a dynamic and evolving landscape. Outside the continuing struggles that the workforce sees in Recruitment and retention, DEI and remote work, here are the top themes in HR in 2024.

Employee Well-being and Mental Health:

  • Addressing employee well-being and mental health has become increasingly important. Providing resources, support, and programs to help employees manage stress and maintain work-life balance is vital for overall productivity and job satisfaction.

Compliance with Evolving Regulations:

  • Staying compliant with ever-changing labour laws and regulations, especially those related to remote work, privacy, and data security, is a continuous challenge. HR professionals must stay informed and adapt policies accordingly to avoid legal issues. This is why we are developing HannahHR HR support made easy. More to come on this!

Technological Advancements:

  • Leveraging HR technology for recruitment, performance management, and employee engagement can streamline processes but also presents challenges in terms of implementation and integration. HR professionals need to stay updated with the latest tools and platforms. AI and the integration of AI into all areas of the business pose unique challenges for HR.

Upskilling and Reskilling Employees:

  • As industries evolve, so do the skills required. HR departments must focus on continuous learning and development programs to upskill and reskill employees, ensuring they stay relevant and competitive in their roles.

Managing Multigenerational Workforces:

  • With multiple generations in the workplace, each with different expectations and work styles, HR professionals must create strategies that address the diverse needs of all employees, fostering collaboration and understanding across age groups.

Data-Driven HR Practices:

  • Utilizing data analytics to make informed HR decisions is becoming increasingly important. HR professionals need to develop data analysis skills to measure their strategies’ effectiveness and make data-driven improvements.


Navigating these challenges requires a proactive and adaptive approach. The world of HR and people practices continuously evolve and we have to find new strategies to meet the changing needs of the workforce and the business environment in 2024 and beyond.


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