How are you handling this time of isolation? The answer to the question is actually different for me every single day. One day I’m hopefully optimistic of the future, the next I can’t imagine living in a world where people are scared of each other. A worlds where mandatory testing is required before entering a restaurant or securing a job. Frankly the thoughts I make up in my vivid imagination can be terrifying. My heart is also broken for every person who lost their job, every leader who had to let their team go and every business who had to shut their doors. I cry. Alot. For everyone. I mourn the losses of life, systems and ways of being that had become part of my social safety net.
While I know the challenges of this time, of isolation, are universal. As a single person the feeling of isolation becomes especially heavy when the rules exist about the only other humans you can see in real life are those you live with. That once again I am not fulfilling societal norms and now I am punished for it by losing access to my chosen family. No matter how comfortable I am with my own company and enjoy solitude, I’m dying for some quantum entanglement.
Each day I am consciously choosing to focus on what I can control. Some days are easier than others, and some days I just try again the next day. I’ll share for the sake of sharing how I’m dealing and encourage you to do whatever the hell you need to get through this. Because we will. Together.
What I know works for me:
Moving Energy:
- Regular therapy, and plenty of heart to heart sharings expressing the heaviness of this time, not to solve anything but to process and release.
- Feeling my feelings was always a favourite pastime of mine, but I’m finding a good emotional release especially important now.
- Exercise is a great outlet for shifting and moving energy physically (I’m a huge fan of Taryn Toomey – The Class).
- Counting my blessings, even the tiniest of blessings.
- Practicing awareness of how I continue to show up in the world for myself and others.
- With authenticity, love, kindness and support is how I want to move forward.
Intentional Thoughts:
- Constantly reminding myself to focus on what I can control:
- My thoughts (…sometimes).
- My breath.
- What I choose to believe about the future.
- The vision for the world that I want to be true. Writing, journaling, singing.
Thank you for listening. I am so blessed to be supported by a wonderful group of people at BLANKSLATE Partners. If we can help you in any way, please let us know. We’re all in this together.